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This Handbook provides comprehensive insights into key topics that have garnered significant scholarly and practitioner interest in the Middle Eastern business and management landscape.
The Routledge Handbook delves into vital areas such as organizational behaviour, leadership, business culture, business ethics, human resources, business strategy, entrepreneurship, finance, and accounting. The chapters collectively highlight five emerging themes drawn from the diverse topics, locations, and questions tackled by the contributing authors.
Dr Sengupta expressed his enthusiasm about this milestone: "I am thrilled to have published this book chapter and particularly excited that it is my first publication with my University of Portsmouth London affiliation. A big shout out to my two wonderful co-authors Manisha and Roshan. We hope that our work will help businesses to analyse and address the expat adjustment issues and create better engagement for millions of millennial workers on one hand, and sustainable profitability for themselves at the same time."
The University of Portsmouth London is excited to celebrate this academic achievement and readers can find the book:
UoP Library link for the book: ProQuest Ebook Central - Book Details
UoP Library Link for our chapter: ProQuest Ebook Central - Reader