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Contributing to the development of teaching and learning in Engineering management and related areas.
Essam is a chartered engineer and an engineering professor with five decades academic and industrial experience. He is the author of two books dealing with Design of Electrical Machines (Wiley, 1994) and Electrical Drive systems (ETI Sweden, 2003) and has successfully supervised 15 Doctorate students and over 50 MSc projects. According to Google Scholar, Essam’s book on the design of small electrical machines is still being cited in research work three decades after it was first [published. Essam is a proponent of e-learning and his YouTube channel has attracted about 500,000 viewers.
Essam received his BSc and MSc degrees (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) from the University of Alexandria, Egypt in 1974 and 1978; respectively. He obtained his PhD in electrical engineering from Manchester University in 1981 while undertaking part-time teaching.
In 1982, Essam joined the Electrical Research Association (ERA Technology), Leatherhead, Surry, U.K. as a senior engineer, becoming head of department in 1985. In 1987 he joined the Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Design, Cardiff University, becoming Dean of faculty in 1994.
In 2001, Professor Hamdi was appointed to the Chair of Electrical Machines and Drive Systems at Chalmers University of Technology. Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2009, he took up a new challenge in the Middle East when he joined Al Ain Colleges (Higher colleges of Technology), UAE as Chair of Engineering Programmes where he expanded the colleges’ offerings to include Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Technology Programmes.
In 2014, Essam joined Teesside University, UK, where he engaged in teaching and research in the fields of Electrical Power Engineering and Engineering Education. In 2009, he Co-founded Education and Training International (ETI-London) Ltd and provided online training and academic support to a number of industrial clients and academic institutions during the Covid lock-down periods. In 2024, he established a consultancy firm; ESH Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Engineering Education
Electrical Power Systems, Renewable Energy and Grid Connection.
Electrical Machines and Drive Systems.
Mohamadein, A L and Hamdi, E S: 'An improved single-phase synchronous generator with induced excitation', International Conference on Electrical Machines, Brussels, pp.SP3/7.1-SP3/7.12, September 1978.
Chalmers, B J and Hamdi, E S: 'New form of composite-rotor for induction motor fan drives', Proc. IEE, Vol.129, Pt.B, No.1, pp.27-34, January 1982.
Hamdi, E S: 'Thermal design of electrical machines - measurement of heat transfer data', ERA Report No.83-0167 (29 Pages), Leatherhead, 1983.
Hamdi, E S, Licariao-Nogueira, A F and Silvester, P P: 'Torque calculation by the mean and deviation field method', Proc. IEE, Pt. A, Vol.140, No.2, pp.151-154, March 1993.
Hamdi, E S: 'Design of small electrical machines', John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1994, 96 and 98.
Kasinathan, P, Grauers, A and Hamdi, E S, ‘Force density limits in low-speed permanent-magnet machines due to saturation’, Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 37-44, March 2005.
Lundmark, Sonja T and Hamdi, E S: 'Machine topologies with high torque density for more electric aircrafts' report for SAAB Avionics, Sweden, (23 pages), September 2006.
Berry, P J and Hamdi, E S: ‘An Investigation into Damper Winding Failure in a Large Synchronous Motor', 50th Universities International Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2015), Stafford, England, 1-4 September 2015.
Hamdi, E S: ‘Enhancing the Quality of Multi-campus Delivery of Engineering Programmes – A Blended Learning Approach', 51st Universities International Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2016), Coimbra, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016.
Riache, Y and Hamdi, E S: ‘A Novel Switching Pattern of Modified SVPWM for Z-source Inverter Connected to a multi-source System', 53rd Universities International Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2018), Glasgow, UK, 4-7 September 2018.
Hamdi, E S and Spivey, J P: ‘On the Teaching of Electrical Machines and Drive Systems’, 53rd Universities International Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2018), Glasgow, UK, 4-7 September 2018.
Information Technology & Strategic Management
Renewable Energy Management
Strategies for Resource & Environmental Management