Dr Ekaterina Kuzmina


Dr Ekaterina (Kate) Kuzmina 

Senior Lecturer & Course Leader in Digital Marketing

Kate is responsible for refining and delivery course curriculum for the MA Digital Marketing programme and ensuring the course meets the quality parameters of the higher education and aligns well with the industry requirements and expectations.

As an academic leader of the course Kate oversees the curriculum design and course delivery pattern to ensure the programme provides students with a breadth of knowledge in marketing alongside digital marketing expertise and aims to develop students’ analytical and transferable skills required for a successful career. Kate is also responsible for leading modules and supervision of research projects.  

Current modules taught: 

  • Essentials of Marketing 

  • Consumer Insight and Analytics 

Career biography: 

Before coming to Portsmouth, London, Kate was a Course Director for the BA Digital Marketing programme at Coventry University. Her broad remit included academic leadership, student learning experience, course evaluation, and curriculum enhancement activities.  Kate established herself as a competent and confident (digital) marketing lecturer and module leader.

She successfully developed curriculum content, taught, and managed the teaching team for a range of modules across undergraduate and postgraduate studies consistently achieving excellent student feedback and evaluation results (MEQ) for her modules. Kate feels extremely proud to have been nominated in a student-led recognition ‘I Love my staff’ campaign powered by the Students’ Union, in recognition for the dedication to improving the student experience at Coventry University.

As a researcher Kate is currently working on research publications in the area of digital marketing strategies and their application in different kinds of contexts: B2B, B2C, and also social enterprises, educational business and not-for-profits. Kate also has experience in presenting academic papers in various UK and oversees conferences.  

Research Interests: 

  • Digital Marketing  

  • Online Communities and Netnography 

  • Branding and The Country of Origin 

  • Integrated Marketing Communications 

  • Marketing Communications Strategies for Micro Businesses