student looking at her phone

Contact Us

We're here to help

Whether you want to study with us or just ask a general question, a friendly member of our team will be able to help you.

General enquiry 

If you have a general enquiry about the University, please do get in touch and a member of the team will get back to you. 

Contact us

Study with us

If you're interested in studying with us or would like to find out more about a particular course, we can provide you with the information you need.

Study with us


Got questions or need advice? Chat with us on WhatsApp. Whether it's about courses, applications, or student life, we're here to help!

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Schools and colleges

If you work with KS2-KS5 students, we’ll help you show them the opportunities that higher education has to offer. Whether they need a hand with big decisions after school or college, or you want to explore the latest sector updates, you can count on us.

Speak to our team about organising a face-to-face event, workshop and campus visit for pre-16 and post-16 students. 

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